Friday, November 21, 2008

Chicken Broth

So I need to put up some chicken broth for all those yummy soups I get to make during the winter. It will take 2 nights but you will be well stocked. I have a regular sized crock pot so I have to do this is 2 batches. If you are lucky and have a nice big double one, keep it to yourself! So at night right before you go to bed, unless you stay up late, in that case around 9p.m. Put in a crock pot 1 whole chicken minus the innards. Add the bag of carrot, onion, celery, garlic skins, and pepper tops from your freezer. Now if you don't have any just add a couple shredded carrots, onion, green pepper, a few celery stalks cut up and a few garlic cloves minced. Add water to top and sprinkle in some herbs. Turn this on low and let it roast up its own goodness overnight. The next morning around 10 strain and add about the same amount of water as you have broth. Bag this in quart bags and freeze. Start over again the next night. If you are limited on freezer space you can keep the broth concentrate and add water when thawed.

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