Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rite of Passage

The outward change corresponded to the inward, for in those few weeks Demi seemed to have grown tall, and began to drop his childish plays, not as if ashamed of them, as some boys do, but as if he had outgrown them, and wanted something manlier.

 Little Men by Loiusa May Alcott
(on my top ten list of books to read)

Thinking this is the rite of passage from child to adult, wanting something manlier.

1 comment:

Denise Zavala said...

It is a shame that maniliness has all but disappeared in today's culture. The male of today had been villified and de-masculinized in the name of "gender equality". Androgenous male is accepted as a poor substitute. I feel sorry for this generation of boys coming up with few real male influences.