Monday, March 21, 2011


Tilling the garden.

Finished with the tilling and rabbit deterant.  The garden plot is 41X38.  I considered making it a a square 41X41 but this is what it is.  I will be happy with it!  Now, we have seen rabbits in our yard every night.  The neighbors behind and beside us also have gardens but they have no fences.  I am rationalizing the rabbit fence as being good stewards.  The rain is coming in tonight for the next few days.  As soon as we can get back out there I have 2 bags of onion sets and pea and spinach seeds to get in the ground.

That red barn in the first picture, that is the chicken coop!  18 chicks arrive on April 8.  We are getting, Black Australorp, Plymouth Barred Rock, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Laced Wyandotte, & Araucana . 

I also made 2 more batches of soap today.  An egg yolk sensitive skin and another clove.  Essential Oils came in tonight so I plan to make a blueberry bar tomorrow.  Oh how I love spring! 


Lori said...

You are a busy woman! What a blessing it is to be able to do all of this. You rock Anglea!

Tom & Angela said...

It is a blessing to be able to do it all. I have a friend who always said if she could sell my energy she would be rich ;) Really the boys are old enough now they make it easy and fun (sometimes).